Saturday Sampler 2023 - Color Collage
Saturday Sampler 2023 started January 7th, and we’re so excited that you joined us! This page will be a place where you can easily access all the documentation that Carrie will give you to help you work easily on your quilt.
If you cannot make it to the class, we offer a virtual option through ZOOM – the link is below with all the other links you’ll need.
WHEN: We will meet the first Saturday of each month, at 9am (Doors will open at 8:30 for you to get settled in and chat before class). Here are the dates for 2023: Jan. 7th | Feb. 4th | Mar. 4th | Apr. 1st | May 6th | June 3rd | July 8th | Aug. 5th | Sept. 9th | Oct. 7th | Nov. 4th | Dec. 2nd.
>> To join our Facebook Group, CLICK HERE.
>> To participate via ZOOM, CLICK HERE.
>> Introduction to NEW members, CLICK HERE.
Color Collage by Nancy Rink and Marcus Fabrics
Mon-Sat 9-7 | Sun 10-6
19505 Hwy 2, Monroe, WA 98272