Saturday Sampler 2022 - quilt club for everyone, everywhere!

We are excited to have Saturday Sampler in person for 2022! If you cannot make it to the class, we will be offering a virtual option through ZOOM – which will be included in the same email with the monthly tutorial and pattern. For more information, continue reading below.

WHEN: We will meet the first Saturday of each month at 8:00 am until 9:30 am. Here are the dates for 2022: Feb. 5, Mar. 5, Apr. 2, May 7, Jun. 4, Jul. 9 (pushed 1 week because of holiday), Aug. 6, Sep. 10 (pushed 1 week because of holiday), Oct. 1, Nov. 5, Dec. 3.

This year's quilt pattern: Boho Heart by Jen Kingwell and Andrea Bair (Finished size: 68" x 80")

It is super scrappy! We will have fat eighth sets of main print fabrics and tone on tones that you can mix and match to create your own quilt and we will have background sets in lights and darks as well. It is set in a heart shape, but there are alternate settings that you can do if you don’t want the heart. I picked this pattern for a few reasons. It is totally different from anything that we have done recently, there are a ton of different techniques that we can teach and practice, and many of you have asked for a smaller size project. ~ Carrie

Membership for our Saturday Sampler 2022

CLASS FEE for the year: $35.00
You can register at our Ben Franklin Crafts store in Monroe, WA, over the phone at 360-794-6745 ext. 0, or by using the link above.

Your Saturday Sampler membership includes your pattern and class entrance for the year, all virtual material- tutorials, monthly video of our in-person class, monthly specials for in-person shopping, and access to the Facebook Group. There you can share your projects, ask questions, and stay motivated to get your UFOs done. 

* The monthly pattern/instructions will be emailed to you on the first Saturday of each month, or you can pick it up at our Ben Franklin store in Monroe, WA – (19505 Hwy 2, Monroe, WA, 98272)

Boho Heart Quilt Pattern for Saturday Sampler

Fabric Kit

We can help you choose your own fabric if you’d like to stop by the store. (Monroe location)

Mon-Sat 9-7 | Sun 10-6


19505 Hwy 2, Monroe, WA 98272

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