DIY Bunny Gnomes

DIY Bunny Gnomes

Create your own DIY Bunny Gnomes starting with our colorful faux fur pom poms (available only at our Monroe store – while supplies last). Match to our selection of felt for the ears, then add their little noses and tails. 

We created a short video to show you how to make these DIY Bunny Gnomes. Scroll down for the tutorial, and the video.


Supplies needed to make DIY Bunny Gnomes:

(Supplies may vary by store, however, special store-to-store orders can be placed with a one-week turnaround. Substitutions will be suggested if a product is no longer available.)

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Faux Fur Pom Poms (available at our Monroe store only)
Felt Sheets (we used colors to match the pom poms plus white for the inner ears)
Wooden Spheres
Small White Pom Poms
Hot Glue Gun & Glue Sticks
Our bunny ear template (click HERE to download)
8″ x 11″ Sheet of Paper & Printer (to print the template)

DIY Bunny Gnomes - supplies

Video tutorial on how to make DIY Bunny Gnomes:


1. Print the ear shapes from our template (downloading our template HERE). Cut out the ear shapes to use as your template.

2. For the larger ears, trace the template onto the colored felt sheets and then cut them out.

3. For the smaller ears, trace the template onto the white felt sheet and then cut them out.

4. Glue the white ear piece onto the colored ear piece. Add glue along the bottom straight edge, then pinch together to finish creating the ear.

6. Add more hot glue along the pinched end and connect to the faux fur pom pom. Do this for each ear.

7. Add hot glue to the wooden sphere and place it on the front of the pom pom to create the bunny nose.

8. Glue a small white pom pom onto the back of the larger pom pom to create the bunny’s tail.

DIY Bunny Gnomes

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Store Location: Monroe, WA

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