How to Sew a Drawstring Backpack

How to sew a Drawstring Backpack

Wonder how to sew a drawstring backpack? Adaline is here to help! Without doubt, after you have finished watching this video, you will feel comfortable making this super simple backpack using 4 fat quarter pieces of fabric in the colors of your choice. Make it as a gift and use fabric that your loved one would enjoy like this baseball fabric that we used in this project.  We have a HUGE selection of fat quarters and bolt fabrics at both our stores, so come in to see what theme you’d like for your new project!

4 fat quarters (2 for the lining, and 2 for the outside). Make sure to wash, dry and iron your fabric before starting. Then cut your pieces down to 16″ x 17″.
Ruler and rotary cutter
4 yards of paracord
A lighter to seal the ends of the cord
Thread, sewing machine & pins
Ironing board & iron

Video tutorial available on our YouTube channel HERE. 

DIY Drawstring Backpack (open)

Drawstring Backpack

DIY Drawstring Backpack (closed)

How to sew a Drawstring Backpack

The next time you’re visiting with your friends and they ask you if you know how to sew a drawstring backpack, we hope you’ll invite them to watch Adeline’s video tutorial. Have fun with your sewing projects!

(supplies available at our Monroe & Bonney Lake stores as of September 14, 2020)

Store Locations: Bonney Lake & Monroe, WA

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